Florida Blackroot | Pterocaulon pychnostachyum | Florida Native Wildflower

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Florida Blackroot is named for its large, potato like tuber under the soil. It serves as an energy reserve, making this an incredible tough, resilient wildflower. The pastel pink inflorescence stand out in a wildflower or scrub garden. The furry "hairs" all over the square shaped stem give it a frosty "glow." This is a beautiful, underutilized native and one of the first "oddballs" I was determined to grow and offer. It deserves popularity! 4" pots, seed grown. Shipped in careful wrapping. 

General Landscape Uses: Primarily recommended for natural landscapes and habitat restorations. Also wildflower gardens.

Availability: Grown by enthusiasts.

Description: Medium herbaceous wildflower.

Dimensions: About 1-2 feet in height. About as broad as tall.

Growth Rate: Moderate.

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