Firebush Compact Form | Hamelia patens cv ‘Calusa’

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  • Regular price $12.00
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Firebush Compact Calusa

(Hamelia patens var. patens)

Firebush is a hardy, fast-growing and showy
evergreen shrub to small tree found in hardwood
hammocks and coastal and upland forests. It
typically blooms spring through fall but can bloom
year-round in warmer climes. Its nectar-filled
flowers vary in length, attracting both butterflies
and hummingbirds. Its berries are plentiful and are
eaten by a variety of birds and small mammals.
They are also edible to humans, although the taste
is not particularly desirable.

AVOID nonnative varieties of Firebush, particularly H. patens var. glabra (frequently sold
as African, Dwarf or Compact firebush), as it may interbreed with the native firebush. Calusa
firebush is a native cultivar!! 

1 gallon pots, shipped in careful wrapping

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Angela Gibson

Very happy with my order package well and very healthy plants!